soul city church

Soul City’s Sixth Anniversary!

What an AMAZING weekend as we celebrated all that God has done, all that God is doing, and all that God is going to do! We say HALLELUJAH because God’s not done…He’s only just begun!

Defining Moments – A PLEADING Moment

In week two of our Defining Moments teaching series, we look at TWO Defining Moments that revolve around one small word…”PLEASE.” Because the truth is…it pleases God when you say, “Please God.”

Taking Back Monday – A Better Boss

Has your job become passionless and purposeless? Do you find yourself asking how you even got here…and how you’re gonna get out? Well…maybe you’ve been working for the wrong boss! When God is your boss – HOW you do what you do matters far more than WHAT you do!

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Introducing the Communicator's Masterclass

Discover a way of communicating that not only transforms your audience…
but transforms YOU!