Resources For Rhythm And Rest

Not long ago I taught about the importance of Rhythm and Rest in our relationship with God. I mentioned a couple of books that have helped me in growing this practice. I thought they might be a help to YOU as well, so I’ve included them, plus a few more…

An Ordinary Day With Jesus
By John Ortberg and Ruth Haley Barton

This is a FANTASTIC resource that walks through Daily Disciplines that anyone can practice on any day to help you live more aware and connected to Jesus. And the best part is – It’s set up as a Small Group Study. Practicing these Rhythms in the Context of Community is one of the greatest ways to incorporate them into our everyday life!



Sacred Rhythms
By Ruth Haley Barton

Ruth’s book is the Gold Standard for understanding and incorporating Rhythms of Solitude, Silence, Scripture, Sabbath, and Prayer. This is the kind of book that’s best to read slowly and intentionally. I would suggest reading One Chapter at a time…soaking in it…and then practicing it. If you’re serious about Spiritual Rhythms, this is a MUST HAVE!



Invitation To A Journey
By Robert Mulholland

I started this book years ago per the suggestion of a Spiritual Mentor…I wasn’t ready for it. (haha)
I’d like to think I am now, but I’m finding that I’m only ready for sections at a time – Specifically Section Three – “The Journey”. That section alone is worth the price of the whole book!
This book is SO RICH and SO GOOD and brilliantly and beautifully gets to the heart of the life I long to live with God…the life each of us is invited to live.


The Spirit Of The Disciplines
By Dallas Willard

I thank God for Dallas Willard. I miss him. He has left us such rich body of work that will continue to breathe life into our life with God for many many years. The Spirit Of The Disciplines is not a light read, but that by no means os to say that it’s dense, dull, or boring. It is just so rich and insightful that it deserves time, space, and attention. If Mulholland’s work needs to be taken a section at a time…Dallas’s work needs to be taken a page at a time. If you are serious about creating life-giving transformational rhythms with God, then this is a must read!


These are just a few resources to help you craft and create real and meaningful rhythm with God. This list is not meant to be exhaustive, but rather a place to start. Or a place to begin again. Maybe you’ve gotten to a place with God where you are just stuck and what got you here won’t get you there. Anyone of these books can be used by God to breath new life into your life with Him and not only draw you back to Him…but draw you into deeper places with Him.

How about YOU?
Have you read any of these great books?
Are there any that I’ve missed that would help others as they seek to create Rhythm with God?
I’d love for you to share them in the comments below.



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