
You.0 – You are Created to Grow

In this study of John 15 we explore how God sees you as someone who is created to Grow. That your ROOTS always determine your FRUIT. And we get to hear from the amazing Cynthia, a single mom and leader in our Church, who has rooted herself for spiritual growth!

You.0 – Being a Person of Purpose

We are a people in pursuit of purpose. Regardless of how we see ourselves, God sees us as a person of purpose! Our old life, habits, and decisions are just that…old. Rather than living from our old past, God invites us to live into a new future with Him.

The NOW Year 2017

We need NEW more than we KNOW. We need God to do the NEW THING in our lives and in this year now more than ever. As we explore Isaiah 43, we discover that God’s NEW is for YOU…and…that God’s NEW is bigger than YOU! And if you want to experience all that God has …

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Christmas in the City

As we celebrate Christmas and consider the incredible events of that first Christmas, we are invited to ask the question, “What do you bring the God who has everything?” What can you and I give to God? And what do we receive in the process?

Soul City’s Sixth Anniversary!

What an AMAZING weekend as we celebrated all that God has done, all that God is doing, and all that God is going to do! We say HALLELUJAH because God’s not done…He’s only just begun!

God’s Politics – Picking Sides

In week three of our” God’s Politics” teaching series, we look at we’ve been duped by dualism in our current political system. And we look at how God gives us a BETTER choice than simply Right or Left.

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Introducing the Communicator's Masterclass

Discover a way of communicating that not only transforms your audience…
but transforms YOU!